Shipping Policy
Shipping is included and complimentary on all items shipped within the US. I do ship Internationally. For international buyers, once your item is in the shopping cart, you will see your shipping costs per your location. If you would like to know the shipping costs prior to placing an item in the shopping cart; please email me. Buyers outside of the US please note; all items purchased will be sent Delivered At Place (DAP) or Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU). Currently 43 Chesapeake Court Antiques is only responsible for shipping a product, and requires the customer to pay any import costs, taxes, duties, and clearing fees. Please feel free to contact me for further clarification.
Your purchase will be shipped within 1-2 business days. All items are carefully packed to ensure they arrive safely. Extremely fragile items will be double boxed.
I normally ship with USPS Priority Mail or First Class Packages. I have had good success with these two options. If you prefer a different delivery service; please let me know.
All items over $750.00 in value will require a signature at delivery.
Buyers from the UK; please take notice of Vat policy. All items purchased will be sent Delivered At Place (DAP) or Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU). Currently 43 Chesapeake Court Antiques is only responsible for shipping a product, and requires the customer to pay any import costs, such as VAT, duties, and clearing fees. Please feel free to contact me for further clarification.